IT Security Services
The value of information stored on your systems or communicated via your networks is critical and can’t be undervalued. We understand this, and have enabled a range of rigorous, cutting-edge measures to ensure we help you remain protected and eradicate these security risks.
With Data Express managing your security, you’ll avoid intrusion from hackers, bots and spyware, and protect yourself from malware including viruses, worms and Trojans.
IT Security Solutions
SonicWall Protection
For our clients, only the best will do. That’s why we use one of the most advanced firewall protections in existence. Our security partner is SonicWALL – a Unified Threat Management solution that provides intelligent, real-time network protection against both application-layer and content-based attacks.
SonicWALL wired and wireless security solutions are deployed in 200 countries by over 250,000 customers, ranging from small and mid-sized businesses, to large enterprise environments, government, retail point-of-sale, healthcare and service providers.
SonicWALL firewalls offer best-in-class security with unmatched effectiveness, performance and scalability. The technology can be rented, or has a comparatively low cost of ownership for businesses that decide to buy.
“We are using SonicWALL Supermassive firewalls to secure and monitor our network traffic and all remote access for our workers while on the road and overseas”
Michael Jenkins – Chemist Warehouse

Business Cyber Security
Expert Support
Over and above the technology itself, the Data Express team has the expertise required to advise and tailor your firewall to best protect your organisation’s unique network. Access to this expertise extends far beyond implementation, with ongoing, 24/7 support available via our Australian-based team.
What’s more, Data Express offers leading service level agreements (SLAs) to all customers, so you can be sure of an ongoing service of the highest quality.
Don’t take any risks when it comes to the protection of your mission-critical data. Call Data Express and take the first step towards implementing the most rigid levels of security possible.
"We are using SonicWALL Supermassive firewalls to secure and monitor our network traffic and all remote access for our workers while on the road and overseas."
Michael Jenkins / Technical Specialist, Chemist Warehouse
Managed Cyber Security
Managed IT Security Services
As a business owner, you don’t have time to manage all your IT security practices and processes yourself. That’s why we provide a fully managed cyber security service to ensure your business remains protected against cybersecurity threats.
More than just simple antivirus software, we use the latest technology to protect your business against hacking attempts and virus threats. We provide expert oversight and administration of your IT security needs, and work around the clock to ensure the reliability and efficiency of your key IT systems.
With end-to-end cyber security solutions for your network, our managed IT security services will help you:
- Ensure your business’ complete IT security is addressed?
- Prepare against the constant evolving world of cyber threats
- Save time and money on in-house security services. Instead of undertaking the security yourself, you’re getting the experts to manage it for you, freeing up your staff to focus on other tasks
- Get peace of mind that your data, documents, and network are safe and secure.
It’s important to note that most breaches are initiated from inside the network. So in the event of a breach, Data Express will put solutions in place to have you operational in minutes, not days.
Business Cyber Security
24/7 IT Security Protection
Data breaches and cybersecurity threats don’t confine themselves to office hours—so neither should your IT security.
At Data Express we provide 24/7 cyber security services to Melbourne businesses, to ensure your systems and data remain safe and secure. Our expert team is here around the clock to make sure you’re prepared against a wide range of security threats and vulnerabilities.
We can help you identify threats, solve issues, and provide software and services to ensure you’re protected for the future. Think of us as your round-the-clock incident response team. Just contact us whenever a cybersecurity issue arises—we’ll be there to help.

Our Services
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About Us
Why Data Express?
Since formation, Data Express has grown exponentially and evolved into the provider of choice for leading businesses and government organisations nationwide. We put our success down to a solid reputation for innovative, flexible and cost-effective solutions, coupled with exceptional levels of customer service and support.
We have an extensive global network of best-in-class suppliers and partners, allowing us to source, select and integrate the most cutting-edge products, services and technologies into our work. We pride ourselves on offering seamless delivery, a hassle-free transition and ongoing professional support available 24/7 from our Australia-based team of engineers.
Frequently Asked Questions
Hidden First Field
Ransomware - What is it and how does it work?
Ransomware is a particular type of malware that infects computer systems and restricts user access. The idea behind ransomware is to trick the user into clicking a link or downloading an infected file. This file then automatically installs the malware on your computer. Once installed, the malware spreads through your computer system, encrypting your files and effectively locking you out of your system.
You’ll then receive a notification telling you that your files have been encrypted. This can be in the form of an email, or an on-screen pop-up. The hackers then demand a fee in order for the files to be restored. If you don’t provide the money, they delete the files.
Ransomware is typically spread through phishing emails or through drive-by downloads. Drive-by downloads are where you visit an unsafe site and the malicious file automatically downloads itself to your computer.
What is the Cryptolocker Virus?
Cryptolocker is a piece of ransomware that’s become more prevalent in recent years. It’s spread the same way as ‘traditional’ ransomware, but it’s much more dangerous. But it doesn’t just stop at encrypting files on your computer—it also locks your mapped drives. It attacks drives like D, E, or F, and has the ability to spread to external hard-drives, USBs, and folders on your network or in the Cloud (like Dropbox).
What are the top cyber incidents and threats?
The top cyber threats affecting Australian businesses today are:
- Ransomware
- Phishing attacks. Phishing is the attempt to obtain sensitive information, money, or personal details from someone. The hacker will do this by contacting the user while pretending to be someone else. They might pretend to be from a bank, a social network site, a trusted business, or a family member.
- Spyware and stalkerware. This usually takes the form of software that’s covertly installed on a computer or personal device. Once installed, it allows the software’s user to transmit data from that computer, gaining sensitive information or their location.
- Adware. This is software that covertly installs itself on your computer and displays unwanted advertisements, usually in the form of pop-ups.
- Deepfakes. A reasonably new phenomenon, deepfakes are video and audio recordings designed to look and sound like a real person. Deepfakes work by using software that takes input data—in this case, video or audio recording of a person. The software then ‘learns’ how to create a video forgery of that person.
These types of attacks are evident in some of the largest cyberattack incidents that you may have heard about:
- April 2020 saw up to 500,000 stolen Zoom user accounts for sale on the dark web
- In early 2020, Russian hackers snuck malicious code into a software update that managed to infect six US Government departments. This enabled them to steal a wide range of sensitive government information, the extent of which is still yet to be seen
- In 2018 Facebook admitted that private information of up to 20 million of its users was exposed in a security break
- The 2017 WannaCry ransomware attack targeted the Windows operating system. Hackers demanded BitCoin as a ransom fee, affecting over 200,000 users in 150 countries
- In 2013, Yahoo! had sensitive information stolen for 3 billion of its users
I'm a smaller organisation, do we really have to worry about hackers?
Unfortunately, yes, businesses of all sizes need to be aware of and alert to the threat of hackers. Ultimately, hackers will attack any business that’s likely to deliver a reward for them. So if there’s a chance they can extort money from your business, they’ll be willing to take that chance.
Hackers will typically use less sophisticated measures when targeting smaller businesses. So, it’s important to be on the lookout for suspicious emails, websites, and ads. We can help you manage your IT security systems, and provide you and your staff with the training to ensure you’re prepared for cyber security threats.
Why is cyber security so important for your business?
Cyber crime accounts against businesses accounts for 43% of all cyber crime incidents. And when hackers target a business, they’re going after much more than a few hundred dollars. Your data, your information, your clients’ and customers’ information, sensitive files and documents—it’s all at risk. Business cybersecurity is important because your entire business is at stake.
What types of cyber security services do you provide?
We provide a range of cyber security services for businesses of all sizes. These include:
- Implementing SonicWALL supermassive firewall systems
- 24/7 protection from hackers and other threats
- Virus and phishing scam protection
- Protection from malware, including ransomware, worms, and Trojans
- Penetration testing and other network security assessments
What is a firewall and how does it work?
A firewall is a security system that filters all incoming and outgoing data and traffic on your computer and network. It essentially creates a protective barrier around your network to prevent a number of different security risks.
Your firewall works by inspecting groups of data, or packets, that are trying to enter and exit your network. It runs these packets through groups of filters; any packets that match identified threats won’t be allowed through the firewall.
At Data Express, we use SonicWALL to secure and monitor your network traffic. SonicWALL firewalls offer best-in-class security with unmatched effectiveness, performance and scalability.
What are the costs of a cybersecurity attack?
According to the Australian Cyber Security Centre, the estimated annual losses relating to cybercrime in Australia come to around $300 million. It’s estimated that the average cost of a small business cyber security attack is around $276,000.
Cybersecurity attacks can range from attacks demanding money, to stealing sensitive data, right up to knocking out systems and putting the business out of action entirely. So the costs of a cybersecurity attack can’t be easily mapped.
Money can be replaced. But sensitive files, reputation, and your business itself, aren’t as easily restored.